Thursday, October 25, 2007

Why do THEY Come? (Part 3)

*This series is used in our Pre-Revival Conference material called
The Saul Syndrome: Sixteen Indicators of a Wayward Heart

Seven different and distinct groups of people that USUALLY attend or belong to a local church. Part 3

6. Community Minded Group: (They are a group of people who have a civic mindset about attending the house of God. A sense of community is at the core of their desire to fellowship. They want to belong to a place that has good morals and feels like everyone should be one big community no matter what you believe in. Their standard is measured by the peace of those who are gathered and not the plumb line of God’s Word. Jesus is a major part of their conversations and social life, but this is the problem. Why is this a problem? He’s not their Life as with the Christ Magnifiers. These serve well as long as everything goes their way) (i.e.. Martha, Luke 10:40-41)

7. Christ Magnifiers Group: (They are a group of sanctified, surrendered, submissive, and serving stewards. These disciples honestly desire for Jesus to set their daily agenda and sanctify all their actions. Why do they want Him to do so? He is their Life and He satisfies their deepest affections. They love the Author of the Word of God. They long for His Authority over their life. They lean on the Authenticity of God's Word and live for the Advancement of His kingdom agenda. They are a living sacrifice that has come to the house of God to worship the God they fear and to give of themselves to serve His people. They consistently glean truth from the presence of God through His people and for His glory. They abide in the Vine and stir others on to love and good works. These are true soul-winning/disciple-makers living in the beauty of simplicity. They are single minded in their pursuit to seek first the King of Glory and His righteousness; therefore they believe in lifestyle worship, repentance, fellowship, and discipleship (the ministry of reconciliation) while progressively growing in the grace and knowledge of their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.) (i.e.. Mary, Luke 10:39,41 i.e.. John, John 19:25-27)

What Group Do YOU Fit IN? (Prayerfully, if you're not living in number seven you will lay your life down to Jesus and the demand of His Gospel. (Mark 8:34-28) If you are lost (ie... perishing because from an eternal perspective you're in a vast wilderness with no means to survive its desolate conditions as a result of sin's destruction, and with no hope of escape; therefore being lost in this place of sin you are as sure as dead unless you are found). The problem is not with what you do but it is what you are: You are SIN! It's YOU not what YOU do that's the problem. What you do is a result of who you are. Yet Jesus knows YOU are the problem and He still gave His life to rescue you from yourself. Jesus looks past what you have done or goes beyond the sins you have committed in order to deal with the iniquity/wickedness of your fallen and sinful nature. (Micah 7:18-20) We, natural men and women, are normally overcome with the actions of men more than the issues of their heart. Jesus is not deterred by your sinful actions. He took your sin upon the cross so He could deal with the root of your sinful acts. Why? The Father couldn't look past your sin so He gave His Son to satisfy His wrath that you deserve. Your sin condition had you separated from God and condemned to death. Yet God the Father established a very important and eternal truth when He gave us His Son. He established and settled it for all eternity that He loves us with an everlasting love. And because of such a great love He gave to us His Son, Jesus Christ, even though we were hostile enemies to His purpose and pleasure. Salvation is always about God and will forever be about Him and His grace. Because Jesus was without sin when He took upon the fullness of God's wrath, He also supplies the favor necessary to be forgiven and reconciled to a Just and Holy God. To do this He has to change us from the inside. He gets to the root of our sin problem; US! Have you heard Him call you to follow Him? Have you answered His demand of repentance? Have you turned to trust and follow Jesus? Has He delivered you from yourself and darkness? If He has this would mean that you have turned from your sin and self-centered living in order to place your life at the mercy of the Lord. Jesus gave His life for your life! If He's interrupted you and invaded you by His grace surrender to His call today and set your life at His disposal. Give yourself to Him today and forever! I'm not asking you if you placed your faith in a decision you made, or plan you trusted or even a prayer you prayed but have you been set free from everything and everyone to follow the Greatest Interrupter that has ever lived, Jesus Christ? Can you believe the right plan and not be saved? Yes! Many have believed the plan of salvation but do not have a personal relationship with the Person of salvation, The Lord Jesus Christ. Plans, prayers, and decisions are not what saves. It's Jesus who saves! And if anyone is ever saved it is by the grace of God the Father and the gift of grace by Jesus Himself. Salvation is for God's glory and our good both now and forever.
(2 Cor. 5:14-21 ; Luke 14:26-33)

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