Friday, October 12, 2007

"Get Under Anointed and God FEARING Preaching"

“Itch, Itch! Scratch, Scratch!”
2 Tim. 4:1-5
Scratch my itch and I‘ll itch your scratch,
I’m looking to find the perfect match.
I’m in need and want to fulfill my only lack,
One who'll pat on my compromising back.

My ear is ready and surely tuned in,
Listening for a preacher to win.
One who knows what I want to hear,
So he can scratch my itching ear.

I like to live my life just the way that I do,
Also a preacher who’s not sold out and true.
One who’ll take a payoff to cover his back,
Just as long as he plans to bless my lack.

Does it really matter if we don’t give up all?
In our day if you’re tolerant, you stand tall.
Look around, how many have abandoned this life?
Only those who live in heartache and strife.

Live your life any way and just how you want to,
Jesus preached that it's ALL ABOUT YOU!
Find you a preacher that will always affirm this,
Deep down you know it’s what you really wish.

There is a preacher who will help you with your itch.
He knows you’re stuck in a religious ditch.
Tell him with a payoff in hand where to scratch.
You’ll love it, when you find the perfect match.
Nick Holden

This is the spirit of our day.
People want it how they want it and they’ll seek it until they find it.
This is not the attitude or life of a disciple of Jesus who wants a man of God
to lead them to prepare for the soon return of the blessed hope
and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Don’t fall into their delusional trap of deception. Beg the Lord for a man of God
who will lead you to give up your life and carnal desires for Jesus.
(Mal. 2:3-9 ; Jer. 3:15 ; Jer. 23:16-22 ; Acts 26:17-18 ; Mat. 24:4,45)

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