*This series is used in our Pre-Revival Conference material called The Saul Syndrome: Sixteen Indicators of a Wayward Heart
Seven different and distinct groups of people that USUALLY attend or belong to a local church. Part 2
4. Caring Missions Group: (They are a group of people who, characteristically, have more love and loyalty to the church locality and building than for Jesus and a humble and holy approach to His Truth. Their ear is always in tune to listen for problems going on in other peoples lives because they “CARE.” They know everything you need to know about everyone and the problems with people, world events, and worldly things, especially things of no eternal value. The danger is that they are not tuning to God’s Word and allowing the Truth to set them free. Their counsel is carnal being gleaned from a worldly philosophy, therefore it aids and comforts the wicked in their wrong doing. They tend to over look sin and fail to truly help people be set free in Christ, yet they will continue to tell others how concerned they are over the condition of their church, community and country. They want everyone else “fixed”, yet they have no sound Biblical wisdom and lack discernment. Their catch-all answer for everyone and everything is “They just need to LOVE everybody.” Holiness is not their passion and their honest opinions are only descriptive of what they see and not prescriptive; therefore they provide no eternal counsel. Their advice is very deceptive because it's usually given with "CARE." If empty traditions of men are characteristically their aim and authority they have never been truly transformed by the redemptive grace of God.) (i.e.. Hymenaeus, Alexander & Philetus, 1 Tim. 1:18-20 ; 2 Tim.2:17 i.e.. Savage wolves Acts 20:29-32 i.e.. Natural brute beast 2 Pet.2:12-22 )
5. Controlling Manipulators Group: (They are a group of people who have deeply rooted and ungodly motives to control the direction of the church and the people whom God has anointed to lead His flock. They will criticize, if necessary, to undermine the integrity of Christ centered leadership by questioning the motive behind every dollar spent, the reason for ministries that they do not approve of, while at the same time acting super spiritual and divinely concerned about the “path their Church is going.” They make an effort to secretly find others to join them in controlling and manipulating the direction and ministries of the church. These, who love to have the preeminence, appear to be deeply devoted and righteous men and women that know how to persuade and convince the immature. Some are very good at being "unnoticed" by the majority as a controller. They know how to flatter people to gain information about meetings and messages given by the pastor or other leaders in their absence. This is a dangerous group that can hinder ministries if not dealt with properly because they are normally well liked by the majority, i.e.. Caring Mission and Community Minded) (i.e.. Judas John 12:4-6 i.e.. Diotrephes 3 John v.9,10)
What Group Do YOU Fit IN? (Prayerfully, you're not in any of the five already mentioned in this series. If you are turn to Jesus. This would mean that you must turn from your sin and self-centered living in order to place your life at the mercy of the Lord. Jesus gave His life for your life! If He's interrupted you and invaded you by His grace surrender to His call today and set your life at His disposal. Give yourself to Him today and forever! (2 Cor. 5:14-21 ; Luke 14:26-33)
[Come back tomorrow for part 3; groups 6-7]
1 comment:
You have identified two more very evident groups inthe church today. The fourth group is pretty large, and they all think that they are alright and are "heading for heaven". The fifth group, the controlling manipulators, are pretty small in number but they generally have a lot of impact and influence in the church. They are out to damage the church, control the church, and even discourage church growth. These people do exactly what Bro. Nick described, they do things in secret and try to find areas where they can exert their desires into the infrastructure of the church. The strange thing is that these people often are on important committees in the church. This gives them even a greater potential to inflict harm and damage the church. They do not view the church as belonging to God, but rather to themselves or the community. However, even though they attempt to carry out their plans in secret and project a very different persona publicly, those that are truly seeking and serving Christ and have been given the gift of discernment can easily see them for what they truly are. Darkness can not hide in the true light of Jesus Christ our Lord.
(Matt. 5:14-15)
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