Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Seven Principal Laws of Discipleship (Part 2)
(Luke 6:40; Matthew 10:24, 25)
The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master. Luke 6:40

Principal Law #3 - There must be a common nature. They must be likeminded in nature, with a desire to invest in each other.

Principal Law #4 - There must be a personal relationship, a connection that relates emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Principal Law #5 - There must be clear communication that comes through an intimate knowledge of each other’s purpose.


Principal Law #3 - There must be a common nature. Without a common nature, there is not a willingness to be likeminded. Followers of other men have a likeminded nature and desire to be like their teacher. People followed a rabbi’s teaching in Jesus’ day because they had something in common with them and yielded themselves to their teacher’s purpose for living. The necessity of the new birth experience is fundamental for a man to take upon the common nature of the Son of God. Natural man is opposed and hostile to God’s ways. To be a follower of Jesus, a man must be born again in order to have a common nature with Jesus.

Principal Law #4 - There must be a personal relationship. Without a personal relationship, there is no possibility of authentic discipleship. Through the new birth and being reconciled with God through the Lord Jesus Christ, we enter into a personal relationship with God and His Son
and experience what Christ has come to do. We are connected to Christ and now can relate to Him physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Principal Law #5 - There must be clear communication. Without being in intimate fellowship, there is no discipleship. To know what one believes, there must be clear communication. A teacher finds out where his followers are through quality time spent communicating with one another. A follower knows what his master thinks about things because they talk about it together. Clear communication sets the stage for authentic discipleship.
*Taken from my newly released book Magnify The Lord: Ten Reasons to Discover, Declare, and Defend why Christ Came, chapter seven; He's Come to Disciple. (ISBN 9781602669314)
Come back tomorrow for part 3 of a 3 part series on the
Principle Laws of Discipleship

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