Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Seven Principal Laws of Discipleship (Part 1)
(Luke 6:40; Matthew 10:24, 25)
The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master.
Luke 6:40

Principal Law #1 - There must be a willing teacher/master, a teacher who is willing to invest his life and love into a follower.

Principal Law #2 - There must be a submissive pupil/follower, a student willing to give up his life to learn and live the way of his master.

Principal Law #1
- There must be a willing teacher/master. There must be an individual who will make every effort to invest what they know and how they live into a follower
or a group of followers. This individual is seeking a follower who will allow him to pour his very life into them. There is no discipleship without a willing teacher. He opens up his heart, head, hands, and home to a learner who makes himself his subject.

Principal Law #2 - There must be a submissive pupil/follower. Without a follower, there can be no discipleship. A follower must be willing to make himself subject to a master. The reason they do this is because they want to consume everything their teacher knows. They want to be like their teacher. They give up their life to follow the light, life, and love of their master. They forsake all previous ambitions so they can give themselves to their new master.
*Taken from my newly released book Magnify The Lord: Ten Reasons to Discover, Declare, and Defend why Christ Came, chapter seven; He's Come to Disciple. (ISBN 9781602669314)
Come back tomorrow for part 2 of a 3 part series on the
Principle Laws of Discipleship

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