Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Poems (4) written by Nick and Stephanie Holden

Poems: Theses 4 poems were written by Nick and Stephanie Holden of Truth Impacts Ministries (1) Why Do You Watch (by N.H.) (2) The Mountain (by S.H.) (3) What a Gift (by N.H.) (4) Why do You Look at One Another? (by N.H.). These poems and other thoughts were used in a pre-revival conference called *The Saul Syndrome Conference at Faith Baptist Church in April 2008

*For more information on this conference and material visit us at http://www.truthimpacts.org/ and go to the "For Backsliders Only" page or contact us at truthimpacts@comcast.net . May God grant unto His people grace repentance and bless our efforts as we seek His face for revival and reformation in our day.

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