“The Fruit of Meeting with God”
For since the beginning of the world men have not heard nor perceived by the ear, nor has the eye seen any God beside You, who acts for the one who waits for Him. You meet him who rejoices and does righteousness, who remembers You in Your ways.
For since the beginning of the world men have not heard nor perceived by the ear, nor has the eye seen any God beside You, who acts for the one who waits for Him. You meet him who rejoices and does righteousness, who remembers You in Your ways.
Isaiah 64:4-5
What a word to hide in our hearts! The qualifying principles outlined in this passage can be used as a blaring alarm that will help us identify when an impostor is in our midst. God teaches us to test the spirits because not all spirits are of the Lord. The enemy often transforms himself as a “messenger of light” and his ministers will transform themselves as “servants of righteousness”(2 Cor. 11:14,15). We must always be fully clothed with the armor of God, and forever on guard to allow the ear piercing alarm of God’s truth to warn us when we discern a deceiver. (1 John 2:15-23 ; 4:1-6)
Notice how Isaiah 64:4 opens with a unique distinction that qualifies God as being in a class of His own. He is known as the Holy One of Israel which speaks of His separation from all others. It is true, man has never seen, heard or known anyone like our God. He alone is God and He alone works a unique work in the heart of those who are distinctly and intentionally His. New Testament disciples can honestly affirm and ultimately confirm that there is no other god like our God. He, Himself, came to this earth, paid the redeeming price for our eternal life and took upon Himself the wrath we deserved ourselves. (Eph. 2:1-10 ; Titus 2:11-14)
How then can this passage help us test and discern the spirit of a man? First of all, God is at work in, on, through, and for those He has personally interrupted and invaded. He is disciplining their life to adhere to Himself. Grace is God’s effective way of cheerfully and delightfully gratifying Himself, for Himself, in the life of those whom He has drawn to Himself for His own glory. It’s not that the individual deserved anything from God, yet in His unfailing love He has chosen to do a work in, on, through, and for the object of His eternal mercy. The word wait means that something has been imprinted to adhere. The literal meaning of this word describes an object that is “to be pierced or stamped to last.” The New Testament transliterates this word in 1 Cor. 2:9, as “Love.” This Biblical truth fits perfectly with the divine reality of being pierced with the love of God, so in return we love Him forever. We love God as a direct result of Him first loving us. Those who wait on the Lord are individuals who have been imprinted and molded by the eternal mercy of God to become His “vessels of mercy” that will adhere to God. (Rom. 9:23) WOW! This should be an awesome revelation that transforms our life for God’s glory. Isaiah tells us that those who wait on the Lord are the ones whom God meets with. Now it is clear why they meet with the Lord. They adhere to Him with the glue of everlasting mercy. It is the mercy of God that is from eternal past, manifested in our daily lives that endures through and for God’s eternal plans (Is. 63:16). Second, we must look at the word “meet.” The word in its original Hebrew text is best understood as having been completely fulfilled, therefore meaning “have already met together with.” We can see why the benefactor of this meeting is rejoicing. The meeting place of God is often referred to as the “secret place.” I like to call it the “place of eternal release.” The place of eternal release is that place where God sows His seed into the hearts and minds of His people. The definite and defining result of this meeting with God is a bright and cheerful countenance. As Samuel’s mom, Hannah, said after meeting with God, “I smile at my enemies, because I rejoice in Your salvation.” (1 Sam. 2:1) Third, we see that this bright and cheerful servant does what is right. They, being right with God can now live life through God’s grace. God’s grace is at work transforming them into usable and valuable trophies that will display God‘s victory over their life. Fourth, we see their ability to mark and recognize the presence of God and His course of life. The word remember means “to mark by recognizing.” The word way means “a road or course to walk.” The Lord’s road is narrow and can only be identified and traveled by those who have met with Him (Ps. 25:14). The Bible describes this disciple as one who fears the Lord. Those that give place, priority, and purpose to God’s covenant promises of mercy are the men and women who fear the Lord. (Ps.33:18 ; 147:11) The Word teaches us that this road is the King’s path and He Himself guards and preserves it for His saints. (Pr. 2:8) Therefore, their eye is set on the path or race that God has set before them.
Who is it then that has met in the secret place of intimate fellowship with God? It is those who adhere to His ways and rejoice in the God of their salvation so that it is noticed upon their countenance and heard in their voice of praise. Their life is in harmony with the revealed will of God, and they have given themselves to help others see the need to put no confidence in man. They live to help men and women to lay down their life and also trust in the sufficient grace and glory of God. (Ps. 118) Those who meet in the place of eternal release live to release eternal truths they've gleaned, while meeting with God, with others. (Is. 50:4)
How about you? Do you meet daily with Jesus? Do you bear the fruit of having met with the Lord? Can you recognize and mark His path for your life? Are you on the same road as the Lord? Can you discern His presence upon others? If so, praise God for it! If not, cry out for help today. The FIRST place you'll be invited to meet with the Lord will be at CALVARY. Have you been persuaded by Jesus Christ? He became sin and died on your behalf to satisfy God's wrath, and also supply God's favor upon those whom He calls. Have you answered His call?
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