We pray that this greeting finds you joyfully celebrating the life of the Lord Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and perfect Righteousness, this Christmas. Jesus, who is our Life and Justification, is the one and only gift given by God that is able to deliver a rebellious sinner from himself, his own sin, the power of Satan, and the deceptive influence of a fallen society and at the same time intentionally deliver him to a life of unashamed and unadulterated service of God Almighty. Having a life that is NOW justified by the redeeming righteousness of Jesus is our supreme reason to joyfully celebrate, not only at Christmas time but also all the days of our lives.
Just as we sent you this Christmas greeting, God has also sent to us His precious Son. Jesus is the very thought of God manifested in flesh to reveal to us His hearts desire to rescue our life from the curse of sin and the chains of Satan. Jesus was sent to us, and was born of a virgin, to set us free from ourselves and the penalty and the power of sin to make us His own personal disciple.
Today, would you consider the reality and truth why Jesus Christ was born? He was born so you can be forgiven of sin and to make you wholly His and that you might be justified to serve Him, being holy and blameless, all the days of your life. May God’s grace effectually abound toward you in truth this Christmas, setting you free to serve and share His redeeming love and grace. If you’re not a disciple of Jesus you can be set free today through His sinless life and sacrificial death. He is able to deliver you from the authority and power that influences your life NOW, and also leads a lost and dying world to live for themselves, and invade your life with His grace just as He invaded Bethlehem, over two thousand years ago. Trust Jesus with your sin and your life. Turn from it all and turn to the Lord today!
We are delighted to call you our friend and wish you the most amazing Christmas and coming year possible. Thank you for praying for us, as we pray for each of you, that we will honor the Lord by walking in His anointing upon our lives that we may bring glory to His name and cause.
“That He would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve Him unashamedly,in holiness and righteousness before Him, all the days of our life.” Luke 1:74,75
If anybody ask you about Jesus or Christmas you can share with them this season and year around:
“He came to DELIVER us FROM Something in order to DELIVER us TO Something” If we haven’t been to Delivered TO Something (that is; unashamed service) and Someone (the Father) we haven’t been Delivered FROM Something (sin and self-centered living) and we’re still perishing in our sin and need Jesus.
Have fun unashamedly serving King Jesus!!!